Katharine (K.E.) Kimbriel was introduced to me by last week's guest blogger, Barb Caffrey. Author of the Chronicles of Nuala (available through Book View Cafe) and more, Katharine is an experienced, talented writer.
"Where does ROMANCE fit as an element of modern storytelling?"
Stephanie Osborn asked this question, and my immediate thought was “as a
subtle puzzle piece.” I know that is not
the usual response to the question. Half
the fiction books published in this country every year by major New York publishers
are romances, in almost every flavor you can imagine. (That is, if by flavor you are imagining one
woman and one man who end up in a HEA--Happily Ever After--or, more recently,
HFN--Happy For Now--relationship.
Everything else slides in from the shadows, makes a surprise appearance,
or even has a small independent publishing line somewhere else.)
Where does romance spring from?
I’m not asking in a technical sense, or a scientific sense. We know that chemistry and biology triggers
the first flush of attraction, and we can research to find out where the modern
Western concept of romance began. I
always think of it as starting with Jane Austen—a woman choosing to reject offered
security for the hope of at least liking and respecting her partner. That she ended up with a man whom she also
loved, who was solvent enough to support her and their children, was a
bonus. For most women, having it all was
a fantasy, but a lovely dream. We can go
back further, into legend—but most of those famous lovers did not end well.
Thinking about it now, I wonder if romance novels were simply a woman’s
first reach for respect and mutual affection in a relationship—to regain the
ancient courtesies between the sexes, the respect for each sex’s wisdom and
knowledge that still lingers in some tribal cultures. The current tribal forms may not be at all
what modern women want in relationships.
But in the past few hundreds of years in Western culture, women were mostly
shut out of commerce and expected to make the home (and that was big doings before
the Modern Era of electricity and convenience foods.) All they could hope for was a marriage where
their intelligence and personality was respected. Marriage was often a financial transaction, or
a melding of two families’ talents and assets.
Respect, humor, liking the person you were going to share a life
with—those were traits to be desired.
Romance was the dessert, the last thing you wanted but could only dream
of, because so many failed to get it.
A thesis was once written proposing that women read romances—pure
romance, not the newer stories escalating in sexuality—because it is a story
where a man becomes obsessed with a woman and is spending all his free time
trying to figure out how to understand her, please her, win her. I suspect that the root of romance lies in
understanding The Other—the other sex.
Or if they do not completely understand the other person, they still unconditionally
accept them.
But getting there can be subtle—until the moment it is everything. I think I write romantic subplots for those
of us who position ourselves in things we love in life, and hope to be
surprised by love. Just like in a
Well said, Katharine! Romance can fit well and surprisingly easily into almost any genre, because in real life, it just...happens.
-Stephanie Osborn
Fascinating take on the history of romance. :)
Whether people plan it or not, it happens. This is so true! I love this series, Stephanie. I am really enjoying all of the different perspectives on storytelling! Great blog series!!!
Thank you, Christi! I'm very pleased with it, too. I find it fascinating to see the viewpoints of my colleagues.
Well said, Kat. I agree with you; certainly most men don't seem to have any ideas as to what's going on with their partners. And my late husband was a huge fan of Jane Austen (it's because of him that I went back and re-read "Emma" and "Pride and Prejudice" and all the others), so I was reminded of that with your discussion of Jane Austen's role in the progression of modern romance.
(That's how I'm calling it, anyway.)
Stephanie, I'm enjoying this series immensely. Long live romance!
Once again, Blogspot is borking the comments. I got this from a friend of Cat's:
"Anne McCaffrey, 1967 Weyr Search.. award winner... SF and Fantasy blended with a small streak of romance you could drive a semi-truck through. I used Anne's three romances in the late 70s to hook my 13 year old and then dumped the dragons on her. Still supporting sf/f 30 years later."
And Ms. Kimbriel herself can't seem to even get in to comment to her own post.
And he (one Alan Bard Newcomer, per Facebook) adds:
"Georgette Heyer, great dialogue and good characters.
"In contemporary writers -- although straight romance (as opposed to mixed genre romance) Lass Small has a truly unique voice both my daughter and I were immediately able to recognize the one book we found that she wrote under a different name."
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