Scott is a fellow Twilight Times author, a successful writer of excellent fantasy books. Today he gives us his perspective on romance as a tool in the modern author's kit.
Welcome, Scott!
The Three Great Laws
I'm a Fantasy guy, both as a reader and a writer.
The reading came first, of course. I started with Tolkein, Brooks, Hickman,
McKiernan, and Eddings back in the day, gobbling up epic tales of elves and dwarves
and dragons, magic and mysticism, and good versus evil on a planetary scale.
Man, I loved that stuff. Still do, actually. Over the years I've read a
gazillion books, but the stories that stick with me, the ones that hold a piece
of my soul, are those that not only satisfied my need for the magic, but also
spoke to my romantic side.

Anyway…Elfstones came out in 1983, and I remember well the feelings it engendered. And that's
the point really. A strong romantic storyline, carefully fed and nurtured, can
turn a good story into a magnificent tale that brushes against the reader's
soul. And what writer doesn't strive for that each and every time he puts words
to paper?
Now, Elfstones
is considered Epic Fantasy, not a Romance or even a Fantasy Romance. While it
contains strong romantic elements, it does not follow the rules. Turning a girl
into a tree…really? For a story to be considered a capital 'R' Romance, it must
abide by three Great Laws:
First Law of Romance – HEA– the story must have
a "Happily Ever After" (HEA) ending.
Second Law of Romance – Astronomical Odds – the
odds against the characters realizing their HEA must be so astronomical, the
reader cannot possibly foresee how they could ever get together.
Third Law of Romance – Forever Apart – keep the
budding lovers apart for as long as possible.
I'm sure there are a host of minor laws too, but
let’s focus on these big ones.
The HEA – Remember the fairy tales where the prince and princess got together at the
end and "lived happily ever after?" Remember how great those endings
made us feel? The bad guy/gal was defeated, the boy and girl walked into the
sunset hand in hand, and all was righteous in the universe. Hazzah! Well, guess
what? Just because we grow up doesn't mean we lose the desire to feel that way.
When a reader opens the cover of a
Romance novel, she already knows the ending will be, "And they lived
happily ever after." Well, maybe not those exact words, but some
collection of sentences that communicate the same sentiment, leaving the reader
fulfilled, happy, and ready for the next book. One caveat to the HEA law is the
"for now" clause. Readers know the score, they realize times have
changed and not every great courtship will blossom into an enduring
relationship. A story ending with the characters living "Happily Ever
After…For Now" can work just fine.
Odds – Since the reader expects the HEA, the writer's challenge is to
create interesting, relatable characters separated by nearly impossible
obstacles that keep them apart until the climax. The writer wants the reader
wondering how on Earth air-breathing Jake and water-breathing Sarah could possibly
overcome the physical challenges and societal pressures to realize their own
HEA, and eagerly turning the pages to find out.

Regardless of whether Romance is the backbone of
the plot, or a subplot in a greater story, the Laws must be followed. Certain expectations
must be met. Readers are the street judges in this literary Megacity, and if
the story doesn't measure up…
Chronicles of the Knights Elementalis series [Book 1, Knight of Flame, is available in the usual places --Steph] is Fantasy with strong romantic
elements, no big 'R' romance. And so, like Mr. Brooks, I have the freedom to
turn any of my characters into trees before the romance plotline comes to
fruition without violating any of the Great Laws. Not that I would do that, of
course. I have a heart. I remember how it felt.
BUT…the story ends as the story ends. Mwahahaaaaa.
Gotta love Scott's sense of humor! And I learned something: I had an intuitive grasp of the Three Laws, but had not seen them set forth before. Thanks, Scott!
-Stephanie Osborn