by Stephanie Osborn
Last weekend (12-14 Oct) I was the Mistress of Ceremonies for Huntsville's Con*Stellation SF convention. That in itself was a great honor, for it was the second year in a row that I had been asked to fill that slot.

But there were more honors to come.

After the opening ceremonies, famed SF writer
Eric Flint came up to me...and informed me that
his wife, Lucille, positively loved my books! She has read all three of the
Displaced Detective novels currently out, and is eagerly awaiting book 4 next month! THEN he followed me to the dealer's room and bought a copy of
Burnout and a copy of
Extraction Point - insisting I autograph both! And as if that weren't enough, it turns out that Lucille (Lu as Mr. Flint calls her) was gifted the
Displaced Detective books by
Walt Boyes, who is, to quote Eric, "one of the inner circle (so to speak) of the [NYT-best-selling]
1632 series authors," and who "recommended them highly"!
My mind is blown. I have been flying high ever since. It doesn't get much better than that!
-Stephanie Osborn