Today we have another romance writer -- but Dellani Oakes writes romance/suspense/thriller/mystery crossovers! (Have you noticed a distinct trend in authors writing genre crossovers? I really think bookstores should look into this.) Dellani is an old friend and a skilled writer, blogger, book reviewer, and podcaster, with her own BlogTalkRadio show. This should be interesting.
A little romance can enhance any story. I don't mean that the plot should grind to a halt so the characters can have a hot love scene. That isn't necessary. Instead, the main characters can find their strength by way of their union. Certain action films spring to mind, such classic movies as Demolition Man, Total Recall or Commando. Although the main characters are fighting the bad guys, they fall in love. The conflict brings them closer together. They conquer the foe, accomplish their goal and go home for some hot sex—which happens off screen.
Stories needn't have graphic love
scenes to be effective. Clasped hands, stolen kisses, furtive glances can all
add to characterization and plot development. The main point of a
romance is having the characters fall in love. The wonderful thing about romance is that it can be an element of virtually any story, adding depth, without distracting from the the plot.
romance is having the characters fall in love. The wonderful thing about romance is that it can be an element of virtually any story, adding depth, without distracting from the the plot.
Not that there's anything wrong
with having some hot sex in the story. My novel, The Ninja Tattoo, has
plenty of spicy scenes. However, Indian Summer and Under the WesternSky do not. In all three stories, the main characters work together against
a common enemy. They may have disagreements and misunderstandings, but they
work things out—together.
Whether it's a mystery, sci-fi,
thriller, suspense or noir, romance enhances the story. The reader cares more
deeply and becomes more invested in a character's fate if they like him. If
he's a jerk to his friends and his women, no one is going to care what happens.
(In my books, those guys are usually murder victims waiting to be killed.)
Regardless of genre, a little romance can add depth and scope to the storyline.
I'm in firm agreement, Dellani! Well said!
Everyone be sure to check out Dellani's books on Amazon!
-Stephanie Osborn
Stephanie, thanks so much for inviting me to visit! I'm delighted to be there and I'm so glad to have you as a friend!
I'm always glad to host a guest blog from you, Dellani! Thanks for joining in on the discussion!
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